A Life in Fashion – Isabella Blow by Lauren Goldstein Crowe

A Life in Fashion – Isabella Blow by Lauren Goldstein Crowe

A Life in Fashion – Isabella Blow by Lauren Goldstein Crowe

A Life in Fashion – Isabella Blow by Lauren Goldstein Crowe

The reason I have this book is because, just before I left on this round the world trip, I went to an exhibition on Isabella Blow’s cloths. To be honest, I didn’t know anything about her when I went, but it looked interesting and I like to go see things I’ve never seen before or know little about.

The exhibition fascinated me to the point, that when I walked out, I wanted to know more about this woman and what made her wear such incredible cloths, so I bought the biography and brought it along.

Something that has struck me about many of the books I decided to take with me was, the fact, there were a lot of biographies in my luggage. I had not done it consciously, but this is the last of them, so it is quite poignant that it’s the most recent and most tragic. She committed suicide, after struggling, for many years, with mental illness.

This had me in tears at the end of it, but I can’t really say why, but it seemed well written, if, for no other reason, it moved me to tears. I have to be honest, I believe, by what Lauren has written about Isabella, I would have found her a tough personality to be around, but that didn’t stop me from being moved. It really shows how someone so loved could not see or feel that and was lost in her illness.

There’s no doubt that she added a flare and colour to the world which is now lost and, I have to admit, I’ve not seen a lot of anyone else being able to bring it out like she seems to have done in her time here on earth. Lucky for me, I got to find out about her and went along to that exhibition – ya never know where life will take you. It’s quite fitting, someone who would inspire fashion, photographers and the like, by going to an art gallery, is the place where I found out about her. Seems Isabella Bow was a living, breathing piece of art, which is not something I really thought a person would be able to be, but she has shown me otherwise.